How To Use Occlusion Cuff PRO

How To Use Occlusion Cuff PRO

Why use The Occlusion Cuff®

Increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance at training loads of 20-30% of 1RM. 

No greater health risk than traditional exercise 

Prevents or slows atrophy during periods of immobilisation

What is happening? 

When The Occlusion Cuffs® are inflated, they restrict venous blood return from the muscle, while arterial blood flow remains unaffected. This creates a short period of hypoxia within the muscle, leading to several beneficial physiological changes:

  • Increased recruitment of type-2 fibers, improving strength, speed, and hypertrophy potential.
  • Elevated growth hormone and IGF-1 levels by 200-300%.
  • Faster accumulation of metabolic by-products like lactate.
  • Enhanced muscle protein synthesis by 45-55%, supporting greater muscle growth and development.

Training Advice:

The Occlusion Cuff® can be used during resistance training, aerobic exercises, or passively with a muscle stimulator. It should  not be used in water.

  • For optimal results, train to fatigue with loads below 50% of your 1RM.
  • A recommended training format includes 3-5 sets of 15-30 reps, with 30-60 second rest 
  • Aim to train 3-5 times a week for 4-6 weeks.
  • The Occlusion Cuff® can be incorporated into various routines to stimulate muscle growth, endurance, and strength.


  1. Deflate the Cuff: Turn the pump valve counterclockwise to fully deflate the cuff.
  2. Wrap the Cuff: Place The Occlusion Cuff® as high as possible on the limb and wrap it snugly, ensuring it's neat and in-line with the limb.
  3. Attach Tubing: Connect the tubing from the gauge to the cuffs. Insert the metal end of the tubing into the cuff, then connect the opposite end to the gauge.
  4. Check the Nozzle: Ensure the nozzle on the gauge is securely closed by turning it clockwise (do not overtighten).
  5. Inflate the Cuffs: Inflate each cuff to the desired pressure. For accurate occlusion pressure, use a Doppler ultrasound to measure individual limb pressure (available at
  6. Positioning: Inflate the cuff while in the position you intend to train in. For example if exercises will be performed standing, inflate the cuff while standing.
  7. Releasing Pressure: Air can be released from the cuff by turning the nozzle on the gauge counterclockwise.
  8. Disconnect Tubing: Once inflated, disconnect both the tubing and the gauge before beginning exercise




  • Upper limb pressure: 50–90 mmHg
  • Lower limb pressure: 100–150 mmHg
  • The pressure should feel like a 7/10 intensity, relative to your maximum tolerable pressure.
     The Occlusion Cuff® can be worn continuously for 10-12 minutes, after which the pressure should be deflated for 2-3 minutes to a low blood flow to return to the muscle. You may then re-inflate the cuff.



  • NEVER perform exercises with the gauge still attached to the cuff. Doing so could 
    damage the gauge over time.
  • It is normal for the pressure to decrease slightly between sets. Ensure the cuff is re-inflated to baseline pressure before starting the next set.
  • To release pressure, rea tach the gauge tubing to the cuff and turn the nozzle counterclockwise.

When to Decrease Pressure:

If you experience any of the following, reduce the pressure immediately:

  • Numbness
  • Pins and needles
  • Uncomfortable tingling
  • Severe discomfort




Consult your doctor or physician before commencing any activity with the Occlusion Cuff® 

Use of the Occlusion Cuff® is not recommended if you suffer from: 

  • Heart disease such as ischaemic heart disease, severe aortic stenosis, and hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 
  • Hypertension 
  • Previous cerebral haemorrhage/stroke 
  • A history of blood coagulation problems 
  • Infected limb
  • Pregnancy


Use of the Occlusion Cuff® is at the risk of the user and no responsibility is taken by Occlusion Cuff (NI) Ltd for any injury or harm caused directly or indirectly when using the Occlusion Cuff®

Win a set of Occlusion Cuffs for you or a friend by simply tagging a picture of you wearing the Occlusion Cuffs on Instagram, Facebook and X.
